Healthy Living
In a perfect world, everyone is fed, housed & healthy.
Our team of Homelessness Prevention workers can assist clients by making connections and referrals to other health and support services like mental health supports, community health centres, financial and legal services.
StreetWorks is a harm reduction program providing safer injection and inhalation supplies to individuals in the Niagara region. Harm reduction is an important aspect of the treatment continuum and aims to empower and respect a person’s right to self-determination. SteetWorks provides Project SHARE with harm reduction supplies that can be distributed to our clients. Project SHARE staff are also trained on how to inject Naloxone which can temporarily reverse the effects of an opioid overdose.
Eyeglass support
Project Share has a partnership with Walmart to assist clients who are in need of eyeglasses. Clients must not have any other assistance available to them and have a recent prescription. Once the client has paid for half of the cost for basic glasses, Project SHARE will pay for the remaining portion.
Emergency prescription funding
A partnership with local pharmacies assists clients with emergency prescription expenses once per year. Painkillers and narcotics are excluded.
For further information call 905-357-5121 Ext. 225.
Five To Thrive
In a perfect world, everyone is fed, housed & healthy.
We don’t live in a perfect world but Project SHARE provides support and assistance in 5 key areas including food security, homelessness prevention, training and education, healthy living and seasonal support at Christmas and back to school.
Food Security
Project SHARE provides emergency food assistance to ensure no one goes hungry.
Homelessness prevention
Project SHARE offers many programs to help prevent homelessness.
Healthy Living
Project SHARE removes economic barriers to important healthcare services such as optical and recreation programming for children.
Training & education
Supporting the development of skills that help to empower those living below the poverty line by providing education and volunteer opportunities.
Seasonal Support
All children deserve to enjoy special meals, gifts and traditions as well as starting the school year with supplies needed for success.