Hunger Facts
- An average of 110 families per day come to Project SHARE for emergency food and support services
- 32% of those we help are children
- 13,047 people accessed Project SHARE for support services in 2023
- Our food bank usage has increased by 97% over the past two fiscal years
- Over 1,000,000 lbs of food and hygiene items is distributed each year
- The monthly food allocation of perishable and non-perishable foods typically last a family 3-4 days
- Families can receive emergency food assistance once per month including fresh produce and bread
- Minimum wage in Ontario is currently $16.55 per hour
- A single person on Ontario Works receives only $733 per month for food and shelter
- In 2019, over 11,884 people were waiting for affordable housing
- Each client story is different. Some of our clients are working full time, minimum wage jobs and are still living below the poverty line. Some are living with a disability and therefore can’t work; others are employed seasonally and access our services only when they aren’t working. Some of our clients cannot find work after their good paying, factory job disappeared. Each client is treated with dignity and respect as we help them and their families increase their food security.