905-357-5121 info@projectshare.ca

Community Gardens

About the Garden Program

Project SHARE coordinates 160 garden plots at 3 community sites in Niagara Falls. The community garden program empowers those participating by providing them with education on how to tend a garden and allows them the opportunity to provide food security and healthy foods for their loved ones. The community garden also provides thousands of pounds of fresh fruits and vegetables to our food bank shelves.

Garden Locations

Our Lady of the Scapular Parish, 6557 Thorold Stone Road,
Niagara Falls, ON L2J 1B2

The Gate Alliance Church, 6009 Valley Way, Niagara Falls, ON L2E 1X9

Westlane Secondary School, 5960 Pitton Rd, Niagara Falls, ON L2H 1T5

Yearly the gardens produce over 5,000 pounds of emergency food that is distributed through Project SHARE’s emergency food program. Volunteers donate their time and experience to mentor new gardeners on how to grow healthy, organic foods without using any pesticides.

3 to 4 workshops are offered throughout the garden season to educate the gardeners on Square Foot Gardening, Companion Gardening and how to preserve their harvest through canning and preserving methods. The garden always needs lots of love and care from volunteers who can help weed, water and harvest the produce. 

How you can help

We rely on monetary donations and product donations to make this program possible. There are numerous expenses each year including the purchase of plants, soil and manure. We also rely on monetary donations to implement any renovations and upkeep to the areas.

If you are able to donate products, we appreciate the following items:

  • Garden tools, pots, soil, manure, seeds and transplants
  • Children’s and adult’s garden gloves
  • Rain barrels/ composters
  • Bamboo stakes
  • Old blinds for garden markers

You can help our garden program grow by volunteering and donating

Volunteers work at our garden sites, helping to tend plots that grow food for our emergency food room and acting as a resource and mentor to new gardening families. 

For further information, email or call 905-357-5121 ex. 232

Thank you to our Community Garden Sponsors

  • All Green Irrigation
  • Mullens Garden Market
  • Niagara Prosperity Initiative
  • Our Lady of Scapular
  • Signature Signs
  • Stamford Kiwanis Club
  • Stokes Seeds
  • The City of Niagara Falls
  • The Gate Alliance Church
  • Thiessen Farms
  • Tree and Twig
  • Undercutters Lawn and Garden Service
  • United Way Special Projects Fund
  • Walker Industries
  • Westlane Secondary School